1. Tutors are expected to give their true and complete information to VISWAUS TUITIONS.
2. Tutors should maintain friendly relation
with Students. Beating or Scolding children not allowed.
3. Tutors should switch off their mobile phone during the tuition time.
4. Tutors should maintain good relation with parents because Parent is our boss.
5. Tutors should be punctual to the tuition and should strive hard for the overall development of the student.
6. If any payment is to be received from VISWAUS TUITIONS it always take minimum one week from the date of completion of the tuition.
7. if any payment that tutor should give to VISWAUS TUITIONS it should be sent within one week of completion of the tuition.
8. Tutors should update their profile always if any changes are there in address or phone number.
9. Weekly reports should be given to Parents regularly through their portal.
10. Tutors should not give their login details to anybody. The students or parents information is very confidential and should not be shared with anybody.
11. Female tutors are advised to take up Tuitions near to their place and should show the tuition place to their family members.
12. Tutors should take permission of Parents before parking their vehicles in Apartments.
13. Tutors having good feedback from Parents will get the chance of handing Home tuition packages or Online Tuitions.